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時間:2017-03-14 03:15:06來源:大公網

  Bear the burden (of sth) (idiom)

  ●To suffer the consequences of something.


  1.It is taxpayers who have to bear the burden of government's mistakes.

  2.My partner quit his job to stay home with the baby, so I have to bear the burden of earning enough to pay the mortgage.

  None other than sb/sth (idiom)

  ●Said when you want to show that someone or something is a surprising or exciting choice or example.(不是別的而正是…;竟然是…)


  1.The first speech was given by none other than Clint Eastwood.  

  2.The new arrival was none other than the President.

  Must (noun)

  ●An indispensable item.


  1.Exercise is a must for keeping fit.  

  2.The restaurant has become so popular that reservations are a must.

  Opportunity knocks but once (proverb)

  ●You will only have one chance to do something important or profitable.(良機不再,機不可失)


  1.When Sally got a scholarship offer from a college far away, her parents encouraged her to go. "Opportunity knocks but once," they said, "and this may be your only chance to get a good education."  

  2.When his wife asked him why he was willing to sell their house at a loss and move to another country just for a job, he told her, "This job is our ticket to making serious money and early retirement. I have to take it. Opportunity knocks but once."

  Turn the tables (idiom)

  ●To reverse a situation and gain the upper hand.



  1.Dan was always the one in trouble, but now the tables are turned and he's doing very well.  

  2.Tom won their previous three matches but today Mary turned the tables and prevailed.


