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申領4000元填表易 劏房戶報地址難

時間:2019-01-25 03:17:26來源:大公報




Easy to fill the $4000 application form but difficult for households in sub-divided units to provide proof of address

  Distribution of application forms for the Caring and Sharing Scheme began yesterday. Under the scheme, Hong Kong residents who do not benefit from allowances offered by the government Budget will get up to HK$4,000. Responses to the scheme are very active. On the first day, the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) already handed out 225,000 application forms. The 16 places designated by the Home Affairs Department to distribute the application forms had even handed out all their forms for a time, so many grass-roots citizens had to come away empty-handed. Nevertheless, the biggest problem for the application procedure lies in that it is difficult for households living in sub-divided units to provide their proof of address.

  This reporter yesterday tested this $4,000 application procedure. It took three minutes to fill the application form with 11 pieces of personal information. But when handing it in, the applicant must also provide copies of three certified documents. One of them is the proof of address. The government said it could be a water, electric or gas bill, monthly bank or credit card statement, for example. This poses a problem for households living in sub-divided units. For, it is the owners of such units who take care of the water, electric and gas bills. And if bank and credit card statements are electronic, they do not receive paper statement. Hence they cannot provide their proof of address.

A9, 22 January 2019


For a time (phrase)

●Used for saying what happened or existed during a short period before it changed.(一度,暫時)


1.You pant (for breath) after running hard for a time.  

2.We were quite happy for a time, until his brother moved in.

Come away empty-handed (idiom)

●To return from an experience or event without having gained anything.



1.Go to the bank and ask for the loan again. This time don't come away empty-handed.  

2.Don't come away from the dessert table empty-handed —bring me a piece of cake!

Cross-infection (noun)

●Infection spread from one source to another; person to person, animal to person, person to animal, animal to animal.(交叉感染,人與人、人與動物或動物與動物之間互相傳染疾病)


1.These measures help minimize cross-infection and ensures patient privacy.  

2.Chickens will be subject to cross-infection easily if avian flu virus is found in the outlets.

中區往北角五分鐘 港島塞車迎大改善 1月20日 A1


It takes five minutes to drive from Central to North Point as Bypass greatly reduces traffic congestion on Hong Kong Island

  Transportation on Hong Kong Island marches into a new era with a new Bypass to ease traffic jam! The Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Eastern Corridor Link initially open to traffic this morning. It will take five minutes to drive from Central to North Point. It is believed to reduce traffic congestion on Hong Kong Island. The actual effect of traffic diversion will be seen tomorrow – the first working day [after the opening]. A1, 20 January 2019

全港三成幼稚園爆流感停課 多間名校中招 1月22日 A4


  Nearly a third of Hong Kong preschools hit by flu outbreaks, including several elite ones

  Sixty-seven more kindergartens have announced class suspension, including elite schools such as Kentville Kindergarten, St Rose of Lima's Kindergarten, St Paul's Church Kindergarten and True Light Kindergarten (Caine Road). This increases the number of class-suspension preschools to 301, exceeding 300, about 30 per cent of all preschools in Hong Kong. Some kindergarten principals described the flu outbreak as serious with the number of infected children keeping going up. In the same period of time last year, all preschools suspended classes, which effectively reduced the risk of  cross-infection. They suggested the education authority announce class suspension for all preschools a couple of days ahead of time, so that parents and schools could make preparations accordingly.

A4, 22 January 2019


