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時間:2020-08-14 15:05:44來源:大公文匯全媒體

  「一帶一路」是「絲綢之路經濟帶」及「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」的簡稱。中國於2013年提出這一國際合作新模式,以促進沿線多個國家和地區的發展建設及緊密合作。


  意大利投資者Fabrizio Goldoni自1993年來到香港,在香港和深圳生活長達27年。他在近日接受全媒體新聞中心專訪時,分享在兩地投資的親身經歷及感受,回應關於「一帶一路」倡議的誤解。這個涉及136個國家、30個國際組織、超過44億人口的重大國際發展項目,將如何構建「人類命運共同體」?請看片。

  Debt trap or financial aid? Italian investor explores Belt & Road

  The Belt and Road Initiative is the abbreviation for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. China proposed this international cooperation model to facilitate collaborations with countries and regions along the Belt and the Road.

  Belt and Road Initiative grab the world's attention since it』s launched. It』s even doubted that it would be a debt trap. As the first G7 country joining China's global investment project, Italy has signed a series of agreements in various fields with China, which has raised concerns among western countries.

  Fabrizio Goldoni, an Italian investor who first visited China in 1993, has lived in Hong Kong and Shenzhen for 27 years. In a recent interview with DotDotNews, he shares his experience of investing in the two cities and responds to misconceptions on the Belt and Road Initiative. How is this international development project, involving 136 countries, 30 international organizations, and over 4.4 billion people, building a "Community with shared future for mankind"? Watch the video to find out.


