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以禮相待專訪|90年代+跨國戀+閃婚! 加國教授在港遇終身摯愛

時間:2020-03-19 12:57:38來源:大公文匯全媒體

  Witty, logical, classical gentleman----These are probably the words that pop into your mind when you first meet Hugh Thomas, a Canadian professor who teaches finance at CUHK-Shenzhen. He was quite an explorer in his youth, traveling to every part of the world with curiosity. Growing up in a family maintaining close ties with China, the idea of knowing more about this country emerged in his heart, and he followed his instinct. In Hong Kong, he met his wife Joanna and started a tremendous marriage which is in its 35th anniversary to this day. If there is one thing about Hugh that is not based on logic or sense, then it would be the love with Joanna, because this is based purely on sensibility.

  「I have advice for people that want to have a cross-cultural marriage, and the advice is don』t. But if love takes you there, good luck and I actually mean that because it can be very enjoyable,」 Hugh said with a satisfied smile. As a witness of this true love between them, we can see the real meaning of this saying: 「A heart that loves is always young.」

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  加拿大籍教授 Hugh Thomas 年輕時曾嚮往着詩和遠方,於是踏遍五洲四海尋找刺激和靈感。後來在港中大深圳分校教金融學的他,過着只羨鴛鴦不羨仙的豐足生活。每每回憶起在香港的崢嶸歲月,Hugh 不禁感嘆道:「那些對評論中國樂此不疲的人,可能根本都沒去過中國,或是走馬看花地自以為很了解中國」。

  更與眾不同的是,Hugh 有一位中國太太熊繼周,她正是中西文化交流的先驅——熊式一的孫女。熊式一用英文改成合乎現代舞台表演的話劇《王寶川》,並在1934年於倫敦親自導演,因此一炮而紅,先後在紐約百老匯、瑞士、荷蘭等20餘國公演並連演3年,共演900多場,轟動世界,讓歐美觀眾看到了不一樣的中國。而說到這段跨國婚姻,Hugh 滿心快樂與感動,因為原來在認識他妻子前,他們一家早已和熊式一結過緣。




