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繽FUN英語/Let's ride out the COVID storm

時間:2022-10-03 04:24:12來源:大公报

  承接上集內容,今集繼續分享三組經常混淆的phrasal verbs:

      come down to / come down with

  "After surviving a long-haul flight of 20 hours, Sarah came down to high fever and terrible cold."  X

  可以更改為"After surviving a long-haul flight of 20 hours, Sarah came down with severe cold and flu."

  "Come down with something" 才是患上或染上小病痛的意思。"Come down to something" 純粹指歸根究底在於的事情。例子: 

  "Getting all students to interact still comes down to the teacher."

      set off / set on / set in / set out

  "Derek set in a career in medicine." X

     這個可以更改為 "Derek is set on a career in pharmaceutical industry."

  有關以set配成最常見的phrasal verbs

  Set off 一般指旅程的開始

  例子:  "I set off for a new adventure on the first day of 2023. "  

  Set out 一般指朝着特定的目標開始實行,也可解釋為旅程的開始。

  例子: "I  set out  my teaching plans for the next semester."

  Set in 一般指一些比較負面的事情剛剛降臨或開始

     例子:"The storm is set in  for the day, so we have to cancel the mountain trip."

  Set on 一般是圍困堵截或攻擊某人,有時也可以指下定決心去達成某事情。

  例子:"George has been set on becoming an architect since he was 6 years old."

  "The mouse was [set on] by a cat."

  Ride on / ride out / ride up


  Ride on一般指依靠某人或某事情

  例子: "I ride on my scholarships to study abroad."

  Ride up 一般指衣服向上收、縮起的意思

  例子: "I am a bit annoyed when the new pair of trousers ride up on me."

  Ride out 一般指安然渡過困難或是難關

  雖然疫情逐漸穩定,大家也準備一切恢復正常,也要繼續檢測、配合防疫要求。Let's [ride out] the COVID storm!


  Miss Carol


