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繽FUN英語/Reported Speech

時間:2022-08-08 04:24:09來源:大公报

  不論在學術或工作上也需要以英語報道事情(Reported Speech or Indirect Speech),簡單的短句報道都比較容易掌握,一般只是把時態及Time Clauses 轉移。

  這圖表重溫最普遍Reported Speech的用法:

  如果reporting verb在句式是一個永恆不變的狀態便不需要轉移。例子:

  " I always drink Chinese tea" , Carol said.

  Carol said that she always drinks Chinese tea.

  很多時候,Modal Verbs也不需要在Reported Speech改變形態

  Anne-Marie says, " I'll meet you tomorrow at three . "

  Anne-Marie said that she would meet me the next day at three. 

  如果Anne-Marie是昨天跟我說這段對話而我現在要復述報告她的話語(We are meeting at three today). 這兩個情況也有可能。

  Anne-Marie said she will meet me today at three. 

  Anne-Marie said she would meet me today at three. 


  我們試把學生跟監考員陳先生這個對話用一個Reported Speech的句子表達出來。

  Mr Chan questioned me, " What's your name?"  Then he said, "I can't accept late candidates! "and requested me,  "Hurry up, and don't speak, now! "

  Mr Chan asked me what my name was, added that he could not accept late candidates and requested me to hurry up and not to speak at that moment. 

  除了把時態改變之外,可以在附加資料後邊加上「added that …」. 另外,「question」可以用其他動詞代替例如:「ask」, 「would like to know」, 「enquire」,「want to know」等等。

  大家可以把愛因斯坦這一句名言用Reported Speech表達出來嗎?

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. " Albert Einstein. 


Einstein said that a person who had never made a mistake had never tried anything new.

  Miss Carol


