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繽FUN英語/Buffalo or Bull or Ox\大專院校語文講師、企業培訓講師及國際英文公開試主考官

時間:2021-02-22 04:24:57來源:大公報


  猶記得當年我跟學生解釋,我們中國人採用最勇敢、溫馴、具代表性的動物類別來作我們十二生肖當中的動物。Cow and Ox are bovines. In most Chinese tradition, all bovines are named as cattles. Oxen could be chosen for its generic motif in China. It embraces various types of bovines.

  有趣的是西方國家把Ox轉為Buffalo或Bull. They are both bovines with horns. 這也許是文化的差異。例如:恭祝各位一個健康快樂的牛年。英語一般的翻譯是We wish you all a healthy and joyous Year of the Ox.

  在德語區的瑞士,當地人喜歡用buffalos,德語會翻譯成:Wir wünschen Euch allen ein gesundes und frohes Jahr des Büffels.

  "des Büffels"(原型:der  Büffel)就是 Buffalo. 主要是因為在德語當中 "Ox" 不會在祝賀語中出現,意思也比較負面。例如在德語有一句諺語:Du stehst wie der Ochs vorm Berg.

  英語意思就是: You are at a total loss.

  另外德語:Du Hornochse,英文翻譯是You are an idiot. 哪有人喜歡被祝福擁有蠢材的一年!? 


  "What he said was mostly bull." 意思是他所說的話也是無稽或不能接受的。

  也有一些負面的成語以 "bull" 組成。


  "She is told to manage her time wisely during the seminar, but she delivered her speech like a bull in a china shop."

  "Like a bull in a china shop" 這裏是指笨手笨腳或不小心做事的人。


  "Don't talk to them about the mahjong games of last night, because it is like a red rag to a bull."

  這個句式的"...it is like a red rag to a bull."是指「這件事會令人火冒三丈。」

  "Bull" 這個字令我突然想起曹雪芹《紅樓夢》當中的「假作真時真亦假,無為有處有還無」。

  Our world may be filled with so much bull and hype. Bless or curse, only time and truth can really speak for themselves.

Miss Carol


