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繽FUN英語/Are you quitting social media for good?\大專院校語文講師、企業培訓講師及國際英文公開試主考官Miss C

時間:2021-01-25 04:23:51來源:大公報

  2021年我的new year resolution跟上年一樣,也是健康快樂。第一件事在社交媒體做了的事情便是取消私人的「臉書」。不是要像學生們一樣追上潮流,發展其他社交媒體。只是認為真的沒有需要,去年我也確實因應付不了那麼多的社交媒體而不太快樂。

  及後有關「臉書」的負面消息不斷湧現,於是就着這個題材給學生一個討論的題目: "Are you quitting Facebook for good ? "

  很多學生以為這個題材非常負面,覺得一定要提出負面的論點才達到 "quitting something for good" ,我認為在討論不同的國際或本地時事的時候我們要以一個中立的態度去分析事情:好,怎麼好;壞,怎麼壞。把事實作分析,最後可以加插自己的意見。這跟我們寫學術文章-Discursive/Argumentative Essay類似。

  Discursive essays有三大類:essay suggesting a solution to a problem, for and against essay, opinion essay

  在語文方面,我們應該避免一概而論,這就是所謂的generalizations and stereotypes. 例如,開首的時候可以說:

  It's absolutely faster to use Facebook to share our daily highlights but it might not always be the best way to communicate. The usage always depends on the circumstances.

  及後表達的正反論點,在語文上同學應盡量保持中立並且用適當的Connective Words把論點連接起來。很多同學還不了解formal and informal English的分別。在學術討論中很多時候用了在社交媒體的語言。It is very informal spoken English。

  同學在選取適當的formal language的時候也保持mild and positive tone and style。句式結構上可以用Conditional sentences來表達自己論據。例如:

  Facebook is ideal if you want to draw immediate attention. You wouldn't expect to write to an advertising agent if you had to get rid of some second-handed clothing, for instance.  Many problems can be solved easily and quickly if we can use Facebook to search relevant sources.

  在表達負面的論點的時候可以用modal verbs或qualifiers/intensifiers來提升語氣及調教對某事物的看法及程度。例如:It's very unlikely to be launched.../ It's rather addictive.... / I am skeptical about its privacy...

  Unlikely and skeptical are adjectives here,Rather is an adverb and qualifier.

  同學可以在討論最後的部分才表達自己的意見;討論不是辯論,不一定要游說別人或堅持自己的意見,可以平淡和平完結討論。例如:Each digital platform has its advantages and disadvantages, the critical point to recognize is which is necessary for what you intend to achieve, and to whom.

  What's your new year's resolution? Will you quit some social media for good?


