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繽FUN英語/吃喝玩樂學英文\大專院校語文講師、企業培訓講師及國際英文公開試主考官Miss Carol

時間:2020-11-30 04:23:53來源:大公報

  That is how to improve our listening skills...


  跟閱讀及寫作一樣,如果我們平時沒有把英語成為生活上的一部分,只在考試前臨急抱佛腳,實在難以考得好成績。很多考生以為只需瘋狂地練習past papers,drilling 便可考取好成績。勤力為考試準備當然最好,但英語畢竟是一種技能,平時的練習是不可缺少的。當然不是每個人都對語文有興趣,但我們可以嘗試把自己的entertainment and hobbies「英語化」

  1.雖然我不是音樂人,但在我的spoken English課堂中常加插有意義的pop songs,lyrics worksheet等等。聆聽英文歌曲絕對可有效地改善我們的聆聽技巧及對語文的敏感度,即使害羞的學生不會在課堂上跟我一起唱一起跳,大家也可以輕鬆一番。

  2.欣賞紀錄片/卡通片/英文電影,最重要是專注在自己喜歡的類別之上。我有些學生喜歡觀看歐洲fashion show或足球節目,也可以很迅速及有效地學到大量vocabulary, collocations  and sentence structures. 

  3. 很多學生只喜歡聆聽native speakers 的英語或只喜歡聆聽Queen's English,其實透過聆聽不同國籍的Intonation 可以有效地訓練我們的聆聽技巧。

  在這裏送上一首我經常跟學生分享的歌曲及lyrics worksheet──英國樂隊Supertramp在1979年推出The Logical Song.  一些具教育意義的好歌曲就是長青不老,百聽不厭,同學在聽歌之餘也不妨寫下「聽後感」,記錄自己所思所想,也可以發電郵跟我分享。

  The Logical Song- Supertramp(lyrics worksheet)

A.Fill in the blanks

When I was ______, it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle, oh it was beautiful, ________.

And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so ________, joyfully, playfully watching me.

But then they send me away to teach me how to be _________, logical, responsible, practical.

And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, clinical, intellectual, ________.

B. Put the sentences in order

the questions run too deep

There are times when all the world's asleep,

but please tell me who I am.

I know it sounds absurd

Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned

for such a simple man.

C. Match the phrases

Now watch what you say

fanatical, criminal.


or they'll be calling you a radical,

Won't you sign up your name,

presentable, a vegetable!

acceptable, respectable,

we'd like to feel you're we'd like to feel you're

The Logical Song參考視頻:



